Keep Farmers Farming

Australia currently faces a shortfall of over 172,000 workers across the food supply chain.

This crisis in our workforce is reducing the amount of food we grow and process here in Australia, with farmers choosing not to plant crops, and processors unable to keep up with demand.

Like every advanced economy, Australia relies on visiting workers to meet these gaps.

However, the government is slashing visa pathways for people to live and work in regional Australia.

At the same time, they’re proposing complex new workplace laws – making it harder for small family businesses to put on workers.

We need purpose-built solutions to address the farm workforce crisis, and provide farmers with the help they need to put food on the shelves.

We’re calling for two essential changes:

  1. A dedicated visa pathway for agricultural workers.

  2. A rethink of the IR reform agenda to avoid additional cost and complexity.

Contact our local MP to voice your concerns to ensure farmers can keep farming

Keep Farmers Farming


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