Best Practice

As an employer, you are required to keep certain records and provide appropriate documents and information to your employees.

In regard to record keeping, you need to keep a written record of the employee’s start date, whether full-time or part-time, whether permanent, temporary or casual, and obviously their name and tax file number details. You must also retain records of their hours of work (timesheets are essential), wages records, including appropriate piecework records if applicable, and details of all leave taken. When an employee leaves your employment, you must record the reason for leaving.

The documents you are required to provide an employee include a payslip for each pay period (containing all the relevant information), the Fair Work Information Statement, Casual Employment Information Statement (if your employee is a casual), a copy of their contract of employment, and a copy of any other written agreement that is made with an individual employee.

Primary Employers Tasmania can assist in ensuring your record keeping is correct.


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