Primary Employers Tasmania

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Industry Skills Compact – Agriculture

Primary Employers Tasmania has joined with TasFarmers, Fruit Growers Tasmania, the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, and the State Government to be part of the Industry Skills Compact for Agriculture.

Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jane Howlett said, “Working with industry is a key part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Agriculture and will support our ambitious goal to grow the farmgate value to $10 billion by 2050.”
“Tasmania’s agricultural sector is the backbone of our economy and way of life. The sector puts food on our table, provides thousands of jobs and supports our rural and regional communities.”

The Parties have agreed to work collaboratively to:

a)       continue to build and maintain a skilled workforce that will support productivity and employment growth across our key industry sectors by increasing sustainability, resilience, quality and efficiency;

b)      raise capacity, capability and career opportunities across both the industry and government sector through increased skills development, and support for diversity;

c)       actively deliver on our respective areas of strength and responsibility for training and workforce development.

The parties have committed to inform the government in relation to investment in the industry, engage with the training system, promote training and workforce development, and collaborate on skills and workforce development matters.

In return the Tasmanian Government commits to invest in training and workforce development, enable employment, and support the training system.

The Compact looks at the priorities put forward by industry including promoting career pathways, support training and retention of employees, promote transport and accommodation opportunities, including increasing the availability of new housing on farms.

A copy of the Compact is available here.