Primary Employers Tasmania

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Improve your Telecommunications

If you are living or working in regional, rural or remote Australia and have a question or concern with your phone or internet connectivity, you can find free and independent advice, information and resources in one convenient place, the Regional Tech Hub.

The Regional Tech Hub offers personalised one-on-one support. It also provides resources and troubleshooting guides to help you learn more about mobile, internet and technology options that could suit your farm.

This is a resource provided through the National Farmers Federation. More details can be found at

Having reliable mobile services with extended coverage is so important in agriculture. We often hear from members who are frustrated that they cannot contact staff when they are working away from the homestead, or the calls keep dropping out. There is also a significant health and safety risk to employees if they are working alone and are injured and they cannot get the help required as their mobile phone is out of range.